Monday, July 27, 2009

Where has Zach Wamp been lately? Laying' aluminum pipes to inefficient power sources everwhere!

"Nothing would do more for our economy and create quality jobs than to expand our nation’s ability to safely generate clean nuclear power. Congressman Wamp continues to push for a bold nuclear agenda that includes constructing 100 nuclear...."

As you can easily see, Congressman Wamp is happy yo say he followed ole' Lamar around for a few days and signed onto his nuclear energy bill. No doubt this will make nuclear power more plentiful and it will reduce our dependency on Coal and other pollutants. Thats all great until one reactor melts down and an entire community is destroyed. It has happened before, and if this is a road we plan on walking down I hope we are bringing our extra special safety goggles.

*Disclaimer* I am not mocking nuclear power, in fact I think it is THE WAY to go. The only problem is what if something goes wrong? Then we're up a creek without a paddle, and no one wants that to happen, especially not Rep. Wamp or Sen. Alexander. While I respect their effort to bring about some change, they are simply bringing up technology weve been debating for 2 decades now. They've done nothing to make it safer technology nor have they proposed any safety measures that would alleviate the risk. Until they start coming up with solutions, rather than recycled(wait, I thought that was what we want them to do?) answers I think its time we begin demanding more out of our leaders.

Read on to see what else he has been accomplishing for you!


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