Friday, July 31, 2009

Ron Ramsey hits the campaign running in Maryville!

And by running, I mean he will probably be moving as slowly as I am right now, considering his stop is scheduled for 8AM! C'mon bro, you gotta do better. I know y'all are busy trying to run the state and what not, but getting everyone up this early is going to be a disaster for our local productivity.

I don't really know a lot about Ron, though my good friend Ted the Young Republican thinks this guy is the bees-knees! I've done a little research on my own just to give us a background:

  1. Discern his position on Mountain Top Removal
  2. Find out what he, as governor, would do if an area like Blount County were to lose Ruby Tuesday and ALCOA at or around the same time.
  3. Find out his opinion of Wamp & Alexander's nuclear option.
  4. Get to know his soft side...

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