Friday, July 31, 2009

Super Racism to save GOP?

It might be the plan, but I have a hard time seeing Sean hold his own against KRS1. Sean spends the entire time discussing everything BUT the direction of pure hip hop and the state of the game as a result of the record industry's domination of who becomes who in pop culture. Is there any excuse to misrepresent a man who is respected world wide for his art and ideas by superimposing NELLY VIDOES over teh screen. Let me just say, to anyone who doesn't know a lot about this...KRS doesn't support Nelly. He supports a unified international community where we live our lives to serve each other, and they do the same in return. We dont care that some one is black or white, ill open the car door for them. Little steps like that add up to change our world!

Ramble, I know. I also know this happened a year ago. Why is it relevant? It isn't really, except as commentary on our current political climate. And I enjoy watching KRS-1 out "intellectual" Sean here, makes my day why he says "I represent a consciousness man"!..but you would probably have to be a pretty true hiph hop fan to know what he's is talking about. I'll give Sean an evil pass because of ignorance.

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