Friday, July 31, 2009

Ron Ramsey hits the campaign running in Maryville!

And by running, I mean he will probably be moving as slowly as I am right now, considering his stop is scheduled for 8AM! C'mon bro, you gotta do better. I know y'all are busy trying to run the state and what not, but getting everyone up this early is going to be a disaster for our local productivity.

I don't really know a lot about Ron, though my good friend Ted the Young Republican thinks this guy is the bees-knees! I've done a little research on my own just to give us a background:

  1. Discern his position on Mountain Top Removal
  2. Find out what he, as governor, would do if an area like Blount County were to lose Ruby Tuesday and ALCOA at or around the same time.
  3. Find out his opinion of Wamp & Alexander's nuclear option.
  4. Get to know his soft side...

Super Racism to save GOP?

It might be the plan, but I have a hard time seeing Sean hold his own against KRS1. Sean spends the entire time discussing everything BUT the direction of pure hip hop and the state of the game as a result of the record industry's domination of who becomes who in pop culture. Is there any excuse to misrepresent a man who is respected world wide for his art and ideas by superimposing NELLY VIDOES over teh screen. Let me just say, to anyone who doesn't know a lot about this...KRS doesn't support Nelly. He supports a unified international community where we live our lives to serve each other, and they do the same in return. We dont care that some one is black or white, ill open the car door for them. Little steps like that add up to change our world!

Ramble, I know. I also know this happened a year ago. Why is it relevant? It isn't really, except as commentary on our current political climate. And I enjoy watching KRS-1 out "intellectual" Sean here, makes my day why he says "I represent a consciousness man"!..but you would probably have to be a pretty true hiph hop fan to know what he's is talking about. I'll give Sean an evil pass because of ignorance.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Just sort of kicking it

Still working out all the kinks on what needs to/will be done on here. While you wait, take time to enjoy to conflicting views of our two Senators re: Sotomayor.

Lamar is down with Sonia

Bob is not...

And is kind of openly prickish about it.

This hurts, because I worked on his campaign in 2006 and expected much more from him. At least he can show sympathy to a woman with a broken ankle.

Either way, it appears she will be confirmed.

Best of luck to her.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Where has Zach Wamp been lately? Laying' aluminum pipes to inefficient power sources everwhere!

"Nothing would do more for our economy and create quality jobs than to expand our nation’s ability to safely generate clean nuclear power. Congressman Wamp continues to push for a bold nuclear agenda that includes constructing 100 nuclear...."

As you can easily see, Congressman Wamp is happy yo say he followed ole' Lamar around for a few days and signed onto his nuclear energy bill. No doubt this will make nuclear power more plentiful and it will reduce our dependency on Coal and other pollutants. Thats all great until one reactor melts down and an entire community is destroyed. It has happened before, and if this is a road we plan on walking down I hope we are bringing our extra special safety goggles.

*Disclaimer* I am not mocking nuclear power, in fact I think it is THE WAY to go. The only problem is what if something goes wrong? Then we're up a creek without a paddle, and no one wants that to happen, especially not Rep. Wamp or Sen. Alexander. While I respect their effort to bring about some change, they are simply bringing up technology weve been debating for 2 decades now. They've done nothing to make it safer technology nor have they proposed any safety measures that would alleviate the risk. Until they start coming up with solutions, rather than recycled(wait, I thought that was what we want them to do?) answers I think its time we begin demanding more out of our leaders.

Read on to see what else he has been accomplishing for you!


Just now going on air...

Welcome everyone, to the newest Tenneessee gubernatorial-race blog. Obviously most of our focus right now will be on the GOP candidates, as they are the only ones who seem to have started running. In light of that news we will be covering state legislature business and keeping tabs on what out representatives are doing day-in-day-out. Anyway, Im just throwing together this first post. I gotta go pick up my dad at the airport, so ill be back to keep yall informed as the day moves on.